
Showing posts from January, 2021

Become A Engineering Psychologists | My Fit Brain

 Engineering psychology is a branch in the field of applied psychology that focuses on the relationship between humans and the products of everyday use. The primary objective of this is to improve the quality of interactions between machines, people, and the environment. They work in both types of research as well as consultants in areas such as engineering, product design, and software development.  Plus, explores the relationship between people and devices. Other uses of psychological theories in human behaviour and competence to consider how people interact with technology. Although a master's qualification in engineering psychology is quite high, yet engineering psychologists with doctoral degrees often receive higher salaries and hold a higher level of responsibility.

Career Guide On Developmental Psychologist | My Fit Brain

 Developmental psychology is that branch of psychology that focuses on how people grow and change throughout life.  People who work in the field of developmental psychology want to better understand how people learn and adapt to changes over time. They not only look at the physical changes of people but also at social, emotional, and cognitive development occurring throughout life.  They play an important role in understanding how people change throughout life and provide support to children and adults experiencing developmental problems. They provide support to individuals facing developmental issues or problems at all points of life.

What are counselling psychology | My Fit Brain

 Medical science has been studying the mind intensely, and cognitive development provides valuable insights into the nature of personal problems.  At all ages, relationship issues may arise. Depression is the hallmark of the modern stressed over-busy lifestyle. Anger management is essential, or violence may result. Lost amidst confused thoughts, eating disorders are rather familiar with all the tempting fast foods. Communication problems seem all too common despite advanced digital messages that travel across the globe in moments.  What is counseling psychology is a question with a multitude of answers. Science and technology have aided the understanding of the mind. Psychologists and psychiatrists have brought more excellent knowledge and wellness to sufferers. 

Consumer Psychology & Career Cpportunities | My Fiy Brain

 Consumer psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the behaviour of consumers. This includes what they need and what their shopping habits are.  How the product is packaged and the price of things can affect the behaviour of consumers.  Every business needs to understand the behaviour of its customers to develop products and marketing campaigns that appeal to the target audience.  And consumer psychologists spend time conducting research on customers. Consumer psychologists also conduct research about different types of products and marketing messages that appeal to these types of customers. Through consumer psychology, these same companies understand that they have to please their initial customers as they will communicate the brand value of new products to future consumers.

Comparative Psychology & Career Opportunities | My Fit Brain

 The study of the difference between the behaviour of humans and animals is called comparative psychology . Read the about the career opportunities in this field in India. Comparative means, as it shows from the name itself. Comparing any two things is called Comparative Psychology. So here You will study human behaviour and animal behaviour as compared. Comparative Psychologist also has to work on Communication, Social and sensory level of different animal groups. It is considered to be different from animals due to the behaviour of humans. Psychologists research what makes Human behaviour different from animals.

know about Community Psychologist | My Fit Brain

  Community psychology not only focuses on an individual but also describes how community issues can affect the health and well-being of individuals. It is a branch of psychology that studies how individuals relate to their communities and the mutual effects of communities on individuals. Secondly, It integrates social, cultural, economic, and international impacts to promote positive changes and health at individual and systemic levels.  Plus, focuses on solving such social-problems that result in interpersonal conflicts, diminishing health, and an increase in mental health issues among the members of a community. Community psychologists are thus more needed because they focus primarily on how individuals relate to their communities and the mutual effects of communities on individuals.

Career Guide On Cognitive Psychologist | My Fit Brain

  It is sometimes considered equivalent to cognition and secondly, it reveals a special and unique approach in psychology. We study Cognitive Psychology for three reasons:  1. The most important cognitive is human psychology.  2. It is also important to think about what we did in the last few hours.  Cognitive psychologists have to work in any clinic or hospital to perform treatment work. You can also open your personal clinic.  Under cognitive psychology, we study social psychology, personality psychology, education psychology, developmental psychology, animal husbandry, and animal behavior.

Know About clinical psychologist | My Fit Brain

 Clinical psychology is a branch of psychology that provides continuous mental and behavioral health care for individuals and families. Clinical psychologists have vast skills and knowledge that they use to improve the overall quality of life and help them to deal with the difficulties they are facing. They use cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychoanalytic therapy to treat mental illness instead of prescribing medications.  It is a perfect career for people who are ethical and emphatic, as well as being problem solvers.

Everything You Need To Know About Biopsychologist | My Fit Brain

  Biopsychology is a branch of psychology that analyzes the effect of the brain, neurotransmitters, and other aspects of our biology on our behavior, thoughts, and feelings.  Biopsychologists often observe how biological processes interact with emotions, cognitions, and other mental processes. A Biopsychologist understands the relationship between the brain and the nervous system and their relationship to behavior. Finally, I would say they are trained to conduct laboratory and field research with humans and animals, applying biodiversity knowledge to problems in a wide variety of settings.

Career Guide On Psychologists In India | My Fit Brain

 If you are looking for a career opportunity in Psychology, then this is the best guide for you. Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behaviour. It is a multifaceted discipline that includes many subfields of study areas such as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behaviour, and cognitive processes. A psychologist is a person who is responsible to study about normal and abnormal mental states of a person, their perceptual, cognitive, emotional, and social processes and behaviour by experimenting with, and observing, interpreting, and recording how individuals relate to one another and their environments. To know more :- Career Guide on Psychologists in India