
Showing posts from August, 2019

Get Free Online Counselling India to Get Rid From Mental Illness

A number of people today go through numerous mental illnesses. Most of them are curable with little effort and some other need expert assistance to properly get cured. Unlike physical illness, mental illness is not visible and it can’t be cured with external therapies. Therefore, it is important to take timely assistance from psychiatrists otherwise those incidents may come with severe life threatening effect.   As these are not visible, it is very hard to properly trace. Expert free online counseling service India will fill this gap.  Who will be the beneficiaries from online counseling ?   People who are staying a far from the counselors, they are the first hand beneficiaries of online counseling. Most of them are unable to attend the sessions given by experts. Today, there are a number of software are available who are providing quality audio and video connectivity. They mainly reset the contact with the expert from any distance. In this way, it will be...

Free Online Counseling in India is Effective for you

If you are looking for free online counseling in India, at that point, you have come to the right place. At My Fit Brain, we provide the best free online counseling services in India. For most of us, the idea of therapy involves sitting on a couch, facing the counselor and sharing your thoughts. While this certainly is the most orthodox and effective setting for a therapy session, it comes with a number of limitations, especially in a country such as India. Issues such as limited availability of experienced therapists in the country and inhibitions attached with visiting a clinic to see a therapist are few of the many shortcomings of such face to face therapy. Fortunately, with the advent of online counseling in India, most of these issues are being taken care of. Online therapy or online counseling in India involves therapists interacting using video or audio chats and emails to help their patients. This type of free online counseling in India goes by so many names such as c...